The pace at which bio-economy is happening is not balanced in Europe, with ‘moderate/modest innovator’ countries lagging behind. This may be the result of insufficient knowledge of the potential for the bio-based industry in these countries, including supportive mechanisms.
But it also has to do with insufficient knowledge about these countries in the EU, as well as of policies that do not account for their specificity.


CELEBio provides information on the potentials and benefits of biobased activities available in Central Europe for the local economies, the environment and the society by: Mapping bio-based industries and value chains Determining sustainable biomass potentials Developing National Action Plans and dossiers Providing Inventories of bioeconomy stakeholders Organizing bioeconomy events and workshops


Mapping bio-based industries and value chains


Determining sustainable biomass potentials


Developing National Action Plans and dossiers


Providing Inventories of bioeconomy stakeholders


Organizing bioeconomy events and workshops


The Central Europe Leaders in Bioeconomy (CELEBio) is designed to facilitate the creation and expansion of industrial bio-based activities in six countries of Central, East and South East Europe with fact-based information, the elaboration of evidence-based Action Plans and networking.



The main objective of CELEBio is to contribute to strengthening bioeconomy-related activities focusing in the following countries:


Total biomass potential (Kton d.m.) in 2020 for Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovak Republic, Slovenia
(Source: S2BIOM base potential)



Primary forestry prod., field & secondary forestry residues



Primary field residues and permanent crop prunnings


Agrofood processing residues

e.g. olive pitts, grape dregs, cereal bran, rice husk


Biowastes & post-consumer wood


Dedicated perennial crops on unused lands

parallax background


CELEBio provides:

Reports on biomass availability and potential
Inventories of stakeholders in bioeconomy
Fact-based information National action plans and dossiers
Networking opportunities
National points of access to information on BBI activities and opportunities
(BBI Ambassadors programme)


May 27, 2021

09.06.21 – Upcoming WEBINAR – “Boosting the R&D&I collaboration with Eastern European countries: the key role of EERA Bioenergy”

Following up the successful implementation of the CELEBio project, the CEI-ES is now reaching out to research centres and universities in the CELEBio region and beyond to promote a joint knowledge dissemination event with EERA Bioenergy. EERA Bioenergy is one of the 17 Joint Programmes of the European Energy Research Alliance, which is is a non-profit Association that contributes to the coordination of a massive public research effort to develop more efficient and cheaper low carbon energy technologies. EERA is the public research pillar of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan and aims at accelerating the development and market uptake […]
July 9, 2020

CELEBio will be at the 28th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition!

On 6-9 July 2020, CELEBio project (Central European Leaders of Bioeconomy Network), led by the Central European Initiative, will actively participate at the e-EUBCE 2020 event, one of the biggest and most important bioeconomy events in Europe. This year, due to the covid-19 emergency situation, the event will be in virtual mode. Access to all virtual booths and some of the general conferences including the Opening Session is open and free! A virtual booth dedicated to CELEBio with downloadable materials and the possibility to chat with the partners and stakeholders of the project will be accessible to everybody during the […]
April 22, 2020

CELEBio members are participating in the BBI JU Virtual Info Day 2020

CELEBio members are participating today in the BBI JU Virtual Info Day 2020. Find all the information here:


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